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Wolf Hunter Page 6

  Plus, he couldn’t wait to show Jaylen a thing or two in bed. For all that he was nervous about everything else, his ass was all on board. Considering what he’d learned about Jaylen (if it was even true), this was probably something he’d want to worry about himself later on. For now, he’d let his attraction lead him and, hopefully, keep everyone safe. Jaylen couldn’t kill anyone if he was occupied, right?

  Jaylen pulled into the drive behind him. Westley got out of his truck. The motion sensor lights came on to light the way up to the porch.

  “Nice place.” Jaylen didn’t slam his car door. He closed it quiet, with the same care as if he were soothing a baby to sleep.

  “Nice car.” The Beetle had some rusting around the edges, but the rest of it looked good.

  “It’s a junker,” Jaylen said, looking at Westley as if he wasn’t sure if he was being mocked. “But it gets me around.” He brushed past Westley as he walked to the porch. “You got any beer? I’m parched.”

  “Uh, yeah. Door’s unlocked.”

  Jaylen swiveled around to stare at him. “You leave your door unlocked?” He pushed the hanging screen door out of the way, turned the knob and the front door popped open.

  Westley shrugged. “Welcome to the middle of nowhere. I’m more likely to come home to find someone’s left a pie on my counter than to find my television’s missing. Although—” He winced.

  “What?” Jaylen looked ready to fight whatever threat had made its way into Westley’s home.

  “Last year the zucchini crop was really good and somebody left three bushels in my kitchen.”

  “Oh.” Jaylen deflated. So there was an enemy he wasn’t a match for.

  “There’s still zucchini bread in the freezer,” Westley offered. “If you’re hungry.”

  “Beer’s fine for now.”

  “Suit yourself.” Westley grinned. After a second, Jaylen grinned back and stepped inside the cabin. Westley left him to explore the main room while he went to the refrigerator to pull out two brown bottles. Placing them both on the counter, he went into the bathroom to freshen up. Jaylen hadn’t made any sign he wanted to get straight to the sex, so after a quick shower, Westley pulled his jeans and shirt back on.

  Westley couldn’t make the first move—it was a battle against his nature to go to Jaylen’s motel and even suggest it—but Jaylen seemed more occupied with pacing around Westley’s cabin like he was looking for an escape hatch than paying attention to Westley. Westley finally gave up and sat down on the couch to turn the television on.

  Jaylen grinned at him when he heard the noise. He was doing it on purpose. Jaylen was a fucking tease. Westley tried to ignore how that fresh knowledge made his cock heavier. “Why don’t you come sit?” Westley asked. His voice shook too much to sound seductive, but Jaylen grabbed the two beers off the counter and came anyway. He plopped down on the opposite end of the couch, but he put his feet up next to Westley’s on the coffee table.

  Westley locked his gaze on the television, only sneaking occasional glances over at Jaylen, who had sprawled out and splayed his legs open like he was posing for the cover of a porn DVD. All he needed was a sign in comic sans over his head that said “Testosterone Treat,” and he’d be set.

  He snapped his gaze back to the tube when Jaylen caught him looking. Jaylen probably thought he was a virgin. Westley was happy to play up the nervous, shy angle. No lie that he was nervous—nervous his pack would figure out what he was doing and kill him. If anything were to seal the deal on his already well-paved path to Outcast-ville, taking a wanted hunter to bed for his protection would do it.

  “Well,” Jaylen said, and left Westley to finish the rest. Westley blinked beneath his unwavering gaze, feeling hot and flushed from those brown eyes. If he looked close, he saw specks of green and gold. Westley figured he could spend forever looking close.

  “Yeah.” Westley gave the best—the only—answer he could. The beer bottle sweated in his palm. He licked its moisture off his lips and watched as Jaylen put his own bottle on the floor. Then he reached for Westley’s and put it beside his.

  “I hope that talk back at the hotel about me not driving myself wasn’t you telling me you only top—”

  “It wasn’t,” Westley said.

  “Good. Because I want to fuck you,” Jaylen said.

  Westley nodded. He’d figured—hoped for—that. Jaylen on top. Inside. “I want... Yes. That.” He bit his lip to stop the “please” from coming out. In his distraction, he missed the meaning of Jaylen’s hands at his waist. His brain didn’t catch up with the plan until Jaylen had pulled Westley’s shirt over his head. The cool air hit his torso. Pulling Westley by the hips, Jaylen got him scooted around so he was lying on his back on the couch, knees bent, and Jaylen between his legs.

  Jaylen’s fingers were beer bottle cold and wet on Westley’s belly, and made Westley feel something that pierced warm and pleasant down into his core. “Uh.” As he exhaled, his stomach pulled away from Jaylen’s fingers.

  “Sorry,” Jaylen said. He let his hand hover in the new inch between them.

  “No, it’s fine, it’s uh.” Overwhelming. Need a minute. Your touch, what you’re doing to me. “Your fingers are cold.”

  “Sorry.” Jaylen licked them and returned them warm to Westley’s skin. Then, as if he understood the real reason Westley had hesitated, he said, “I’ll go slow.” He dragged his fingers up Westley’s torso, following the light brown treasure trail the wrong way. Westley swallowed as Jaylen licked his lips. He flattened out his thighs and spread his legs. His erection strained in his trousers. Jaylen hadn’t touched him there yet. Westley figured he might die if it didn’t happen soon. He didn’t know when his urge to submit had been so strong, and this to a human.

  They’d just started. He shouldn’t feel like this yet. With Tom, the feeling didn’t come until Tom was deep inside him, coaxing up an orgasm. With Cody, it never came. “Slow as I can,” Jaylen said, so soft Westley wasn’t sure if it was a seduction or a promise.

  “Please. Touch me.”

  Jaylen didn’t speak, only obeyed. He replaced his fingers with his mouth and kissed his way over to Westley’s nipples. He stroked Westley’s thigh and dipped beneath his waistband to rub his hip. Westley undid his button and raised up at Jaylen’s, “Come on.” Leaving a circle of saliva on Westley’s nipple, Jaylen pulled back and stripped him out of his pants, taking Westley’s underwear down too. Westley sprawled out naked on his back. He kept his hands at his sides and let Jaylen look all he wanted. He wasn’t ashamed of his body, and if a blush burned across his chest as Jaylen’s gaze swept down his torso to settle on his ready cock, it was because he was thinking about Jaylen touching him.

  Jaylen finally moved again—thumbs pressed into the pale divots between Westley’s torso and his hips—without speaking.

  “Not a talker, huh?” Westley asked. Jaylen grunted in response and stretched up to kiss him. “Okay.” Westley spread his fingers over the back of Jaylen’s head. He traced down the lines of Jaylen’s cornrows. Talking around Jaylen’s mouth, he said, “I can deal with that.” Then Jaylen wrapped his hand firm around Westley’s cock, pushed his tongue into Westley’s mouth, and Westley forgot about talking. He didn’t realize until Jaylen tried to pull away that he’d twisted Jaylen’s braids around his fist.

  “Sorry.” He shook them loose.

  “Don’t apologize,” Jaylen said, and kissed him again. “You got lube?”

  “Just use your spit.”


  “It’s fine. Promise.”

  “Hm.” Jaylen pulled away. Westley scanned his face for disapproval, but found a cross of amusement and lust instead. “You like it rough, huh?”

  “I like to feel it.” Westley figured a half truth was better than the whole. Telling Jaylen his omega body helped ease the way when he was aroused—wolves didn’t stop for foreplay—might be a mood killer, and, if what was said about Jaylen was true, a Westley killer as well. And bes
ides that, he did like a cock to stretch him, and he was curious how Jaylen would feel inside him.

  “I’m guessing I was wrong thinking you were a virgin.” Jaylen’s voice dropped so low Westley felt the rumble in his stomach.

  “Yeah.” Westley was hard as hell when Jaylen got around to pushing a finger into him. He went in strong, no hesitation. He didn’t spit on it until he added a second, and didn’t ask “That all right?” until the third was going in and Westley had flung his knees over Jaylen’s shoulders to give himself more leverage to push on Jaylen’s hand, pull him deeper.

  “Yeah.” Westley offered up the unnecessary answer. “Please. More. Jaylen. More.” Jaylen caught him by the hair. Westley moaned when Jaylen’s teeth tickled his ear.

  Jaylen pulled away to tear open the condom packet he’d plucked from his back pocket. “You got any lube or you want me to take you on spit?” Westley’s arousal surged at the confidence in Jaylen’s voice. He’s done this before, taken someone like this before. Rough and strong, no questions.

  Westley watched him roll the condom on. Jaylen had opened his fly enough to get his cock out. Otherwise, he was still fully dressed, including his jacket and his boots. If he were going to pull a runner, all he had to do was zip up on his way out. Westley grabbed Jaylen’s wrist, needing to hold him there. “Lube on the condom’s enough.”

  “It’s your ass,” Jaylen said, but he sounded agreeable.

  Westley pulled Jaylen into his arms. He reached between them for Jaylen’s cock. “Come on.” He lined Jaylen up. “Come on. Want you.”

  “Need me?” Jaylen asked, teasing.

  “Need you,” Westley affirmed. He didn’t breathe again until Jaylen took him. Jaylen thrust into him hard, fingers digging into Westley’s hips. Westley imagined how it would be later, when he’d look in the mirror and fit his larger hands into pink fingerprints. He grabbed another kiss from Jaylen. Jaylen fucked him deep, hard, forcing gasps out of Westley as Westley’s cock scraped beads of pre-come on Jaylen’s T-shirt. Their lips parted.

  Westley breathed, “Yes” into Jaylen’s mouth. “Like that.” He was right—Jaylen was rough and strong with him, but tender too, gentle with his calloused hands like Westley hadn’t expected.

  Jaylen clamped his teeth down on Westley’s shoulder. It was so much like a mating bite Westley didn’t know if he should struggle against the fire of arousal that welled in him or bare his neck and offer his whole and willing submission. His orgasm stopped his decision. Jaylen worked him through it, not slowing down as Westley’s clear, infertile seed spurted stream after stream until it pooled on Westley’s chest.

  “I didn’t even touch you.” Jaylen sounded amazed.

  Westley stared down at his cooling liquid embarrassment. “It’s um, it happens sometimes.” (All the time, but Jaylen didn’t need to know that.)

  “God, so fucking gorgeous.” Then Jaylen came too, inside him. Westley closed his eyes. He tried to feel the condom grow as it filled with Jaylen’s offshoot. It wasn’t like with a wolf where it kept coming and coming. Jaylen stopped pulsing after a few seconds. He kissed Westley’s chest at the sensitive spot below his collarbone before he pulled out, gripping tight around the condom. Westley watched him walk over to the bathroom. He came back a minute later, zipper up, and with a warm damp rag. He wiped off Westley’s chest and cleaned between Westley’s legs with it.

  “Go again?” Westley asked, only half-kidding.

  “Later,” Jaylen promised. He tried to get up, but Westley grabbed his arm and pulled him down.


  “Oh, Christ. You’re a cuddler.” Jaylen sounded dismayed, but he didn’t struggle when Westley pulled a blanket over him.

  “It’s the price you pay for fucking me so hard,” he said.

  Jaylen freed one arm and flailed around for the remote. “At least put the TV on a different station.”

  “Sure,” Westley said cheerfully. He grabbed the remote from Jaylen and found ESPN. “Hockey. Now you don’t have to worry about your masculinity while I treat you like a cuddle bunny.” Jaylen’s hand reaching back and squeezing his ass surprised a yelp out of him.

  “Not worried.” Jaylen smirked. “But you can leave the game on anyway.”

  “SHIT.” JAYLEN RUBBED his eyes open. “What time is it?” He blinked his vision into focus. Westley stood at the bar that separated the kitchen from the main room. He was stirring something in a mug. The kitchen window showed nothing but night on the other side of it.

  Westley set the spoon down and walked over with the mug to sit on the couch. He’d put his clothes back on. Jaylen tried not to be disappointed. Westley hadn’t seemed to mind Jaylen eye-fucking his smooth chest earlier, so maybe if he asked real nice....

  “It’s eleven,” Westley said.

  “Oh fuck. I have to go.” He put his feet on the floor. He wasn’t wearing his shoes. “Did you take my boots off?”

  “I wanted you to be comfortable.” Westley peered through his unkempt bangs, head lowered, as a hint of pink touched his cheeks. “Sorry.”

  Jaylen ignored what that sheepish look did to his dick and kept looking around without getting off the couch. “Where are they?”

  “By the fireplace. Hey.” Westley set his mug down. “It’s later.”

  “What?” Jaylen swiveled around to blink at him.

  “You said we could have sex again later. It’s later.”

  “Oh.” He hadn’t expected Westley to come out with that. “Well, yeah, but I meant tomorrow or something.”

  “So stick around.” Westley pressed on Jaylen’s leg. “Tomorrow’s only an hour away.”


  He moved over to sit on the table and pulled the blanket off Jaylen. “My friends call me West—”

  “I have to leave—”

  “—I like it when you do.” Westley undid Jaylen’s button and eased the zipper down. Jaylen watched, uncertain if he wasn’t moving because he couldn’t (bound by lust) or because he didn’t want to.

  “West—” Jaylen repeated, partly to stop him, and partly to see Westley smile. Westley pushed the table back and knelt between his legs. He didn’t push the table far enough and ended up having to untangle himself. Jaylen bit his lip so he wouldn’t laugh.

  “You’re not even going to let me blow you goodbye?”


  Westley pulled Jaylen’s hardening cock free. He bent and kissed the tip. “I’m good. You’ll see.”

  He struggled to get control of the situation away from his dick, which generally had no business being in the driver’s seat. “Westley, you’re not going to force me into a shotgun wedding, are you? Am I going to wake up tied to a bed like in Misery?”

  Westley’s eyes glinted in amusement. “I solemnly swear I will not do any of those things. I want you to think about staying. It’s dark out there. What do you have to do this late, anyway?”

  “I’m still paying for my room,” Jaylen said. “I need to get my money’s worth out of that trap.” Jaylen didn’t mean for his voice to shake as he forced a laugh, but Westley’s desperation bled off him. It was damned uncomfortable.

  “Well, if it makes you feel better, pretend you’re paying me.” He took Jaylen’s cock in his mouth, leaving Jaylen to connect his statement to his action.

  Suddenly the situation had a new context. Jaylen pushed him off and bolted up.

  “What?” Westley asked from the floor. He’d thrown a hand backwards to brace himself, but Jaylen’s shove had caused him to bang his back against the table.

  “I don’t—I’m not like that. I wouldn’t use you like—” Westley thought he would do that? Thought he’d be an asshole, take advantage....

  “Jaylen, it’s a game. Role play. It doesn’t mean any... oh shit.” Jaylen looked away as Westley figured it out. “You?”


  “You meant— It’s not pretend for you, is it?”

  “No.” Jaylen still didn’t look, so he didn’t
expect it when Westley hugged him. Westley had stood up, and now he framed Jaylen into an awkward embrace. Their chests were perpendicular to each other as Westley, bent at the waist, lay almost on top of Jaylen’s shoulders and pressed his face to Jaylen’s cheek. After a second, Jaylen put his arms around him.

  “I’m sorry,” Westley said.

  “It’s fine.” Jaylen patted his back. “I know it’s a fantasy for a lot of people, but—”

  “No, I should have asked if you were okay with me doing that. I’m not very smart sometimes.” Westley pulled away and started pacing.

  “I think you’re plenty smart,” Jaylen said, meaning it.

  “I’ll make you tea. I’ve got one that’s really good for calming nerves.”

  “My nerves are fine.”

  “I meant mine,” he said with an embarrassed smile.

  “Well, what’s in that mug?” Jaylen pointed at the one Westley had been drinking. “I could finish that.”

  “No.” Westley snatched it up. “I mean, it’s too strong.” He sipped and made a show of grimacing. “I’ll make you something else. I’ve got fresh mint. Does that sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Jaylen slumped backwards, relieved the moment was past them.

  “Okay.” Westley almost tripped getting back to the kitchen. A few drops sloshed out of his mug. He steadied himself and kept going. Jaylen watched him rush around the kitchen. He smiled. He didn’t get to witness domesticity too often, certainly not like this where he was the object of it. Westley continued drinking the tea he’d claimed was too strong. When he went to the counter to accept his mug from Westley, Westley’s mug was sitting there, empty. He refilled it with what looked like the same tea as before.